Services We Provide to the Kent Area

CoreITech offers a wide range of reliable and accessible business IT support and services in London, Kent, Sussex, and Surrey to suit organisations of all shapes and sizes.

Ultimately, what you want from a business IT support provider is someone who will take the stress away and own a problem until it is resolved.

Our skilled and highly trained team are experts at this. We listen to your problem, understand the implications and severity and put a plan in place to get it fixed.

If something is outside of our area of expertise which is unusual we’ll work diligently with other providers to get the required result in the most efficient manner possible.

Service Desk Solutions

24×7 monitoring, remote and onsite IT support (fully managed Service Desk)

IT Outsourcing

A guaranteed member of staff watching over your IT systems.

Cloud IT Services

Guaranteed expert advice on public and private cloud solutions.


We will work with you and come up with a plan that meets your needs and your budget.


We can supply all the hardware and software required.

Infrastructure Services

We design and look after your infrastructure to ensure no downtime occurs, keeping your business operating 24/7.

Maximize productivity and uptime with the support expertise, insights and technologies from a partner you can trust. 

We're here to help.

We take your ideas and elevate your business with our world class support.

CoreITech Social


We provide managed IT solutions, cloud hosting solutions, Microsoft 365, telephony and connectivity solutions and IT consultancy services.

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